
Showing posts from August, 2019

Gene expression: Prokaryotes

Gene expression is  the molecular process by which DNA  is converted into a functional product called proteins[1]. The two key steps in the production of proteins is Transcription (DNA to RNA) and Translation (RNA to proteins)[1][2]. The processes are different in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. PROKARYOTIC GENE EXPRESSION Transcription a) Initiation In prokaryotes, like bacteria, the chromosome is a covalently-closed circle. For transcription to occur, the DNA double helix must partially unwind. The unwound region is called the transcription bubble . A holoenzyme (a fully functioning enzyme) and promoter is necessary for the initiation of transcription[3]. Prokaryotic RNA polymerase  is the holoenzyme which assembles each time a gene is transcribed, and disassembles once transcription is complete. It is composed of 5 polypeptide subunits. These subunits are α, α, β, β', and σ[3]. α-subunits are used to assemble the polymerase on the DNA β-subunit binds to t

Evolution: the core of Biology

The key to understanding Biology is through the study of Evolution[1]. Evolution is what makes life possible[2]. How life started and how life came to be is all through the process of evolution. Evolution can explain how complex organisms came to be, how simple forms stay simple, and how organisms are related to each other. Evolution not only explains the development of visible morphological characters. At the molecular level, functions and forms of genes are influenced by the process of evolution as well[1]. To further understand how evolution is the heart of life processes, we need to understand the concepts and ideas that explain life: the theories of evolution. History of Evolution Before the conception of evolution, people believed in the paradigm of the   ' Fixity '   of species[4], that everything was created through Divine Conception [5].   The accepted idea is that every single organism was created as it is, nothing is mutated, everything is unchanging

Ecological interactions: Predation

Predation is when an organism kills and eats another organism (prey) to gain energy necessary for reproduction. In the perspective of the prey, predation reduces fitness. Predation is therefore a type of antagonistic interaction, a biotic factor limiting species distribution [1][2]. However, predation is also important to promote biodiversity through adaptation[3]. Types of predation 1. Carnivory - a type of predation where one animal consumes another. Carnivory is obviously displayed by large animals. Examples of these are wolves hunting moose, eagles hunting monkeys, cats hunting mouse, etc. Another form of carnivory is group predation. This is usually observed in ants and spiders as well as social carnivores such as lions and hyenas[1]  where a group of individuals of  the same species are feeding on one large organism . Plants can also become carnivorous predators. Although they are not mobile, they are still able to capture animals. Examples of this is the Venus fl

Environmental issues: Threats to Biodiversity

In the previous post, we have discussed the importance of conserving biodiversity. To be able to successfully do that, we have to understand and identify the threats to biodiversity. There are several major threats to biodiversity. These include habitat loss, introduction of invasive species, over harvesting, climate change and pollution. 1. Habitat loss This happens when an area is changed dramatically that it is no longer able to support species it once sustained[2]. Loss of habitat is usually caused by alterations by humans to meet their needs. This can be clearing forest areas to make way for agriculture or urban development. Mining and logging for use in constructions is also an example of habitat loss caused by humans. These activities can lead to species extinction as resources also needed by species living in that area is removed[1]. 2. Introduction of invasive species Invasive species are species not native to an area. Introduction of such species to new areas c